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The history of the company

Here is a brief overview of the company's history and boards since its establishment in 2013.

The Young Environmentalists logo was designed by Ben Stacy in 2013.

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On March 14, 2013, the Young Environmentists Association (UU) was founded at a well-attended inaugural meeting in The Other House, a center for young people. A preparatory group for the establishment of the company had been working for several weeks. Its first laws were passed and the first board was elected.


The company was registered in the company register as a non-governmental organization.


Board of Directors appointed:

Chairman: Ólafur Heiðar Helgason

Secretary: Arnór Bjarki Svarfdal

Treasurer: Jónína Herdís Ólafsdóttir

Co-managers: Jóhann Garðar Þorbjörnsson and Kjartan Guðmundsson


Other officials were:

Deputies to the Board: Arnór Bragi Elvarsson and Garðar Þór Þorkelsson

Auditor: Þorkell Einarsson


Members at the end of the year: 111

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Board of Young Environmentalists 2013-2014. Left: Arnór Bragi Elvarsson, Jóhann Garðar Þorbjörnsson, Kjartan Guðmundsson, Jónína Herdís Ólafsdóttir, Arnór Bjarki Svarfdal and Ólafur Heiðar Helgason.


It was proposed to have committees active and committees were set up such as the video committee, the events committee, the publishing committee and big goals were set. Each committee had a chairman and several members. The video committee met once before it was decided to end it. The publishing committee met once and then again to write one committee resolution. The enormous waste that took place at the beginning of Ljósahátíð in Reykjanesbær was criticized.


Board of Directors appointed:

Chairman: Lilja Steinunn Jónsdóttir

Vice Chairman: Óskar Steinn Ómarsson

Secretary: Aldís Erna Pálsdóttir

Treasurer: Guðrún Halla Guðnadóttir

Presentation representative: Kristján Andri Jóhannsson


Other officials were:

Deputies to the Board: Þorgerður María Þorbjarnardóttir, Eva Lín Vilhjálmsdóttir

Auditor: Ólafur Heiðar Helgason

Members at the end of the year: 265

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Board of Young Environmentalists 2014-2015. Left: Lilja Steinunn Jónsdóttir, Guðrún Halla Guðnadóttir, Kristján Andri Jóhannsson, Þorgerður María Þorbjarnardóttir, Aldís Erna Pálsdóttir, Eva Lín Vilhjálmsdóttir. 


Many significant things happened during the year, including the Young Environmentalists noticing the vague wording of Iceland's contribution to the Paris Agreement and calling for clearer targets for reduced emissions to be set out.

A meeting was also held at Austurvellir to protest the Sprengisandslína line under the heading "Meet and protect the highlands". Comments were then sent in as a follow-up to the proposal for the assessment plan for Sprengisandslína and members were encouraged to familiarize themselves with the matter.


Two boards worked during the year after the majority of the existing board

elected at the Annual General Meeting on March 12, 2015 became inactive.


Board of Directors, March 12, 2015 - October 15, 2015:

Bjartmar Oddur Þeyr Alexandersson, chairman

Erla Guðný Helgadóttir

Ingvar Þór Björnsson

Páll Zophonias Pálsson

Rakel G. Brandt

Lilja Björg Jökulsdóttir, alternate

Þorgerður María Þorbjarnardóttir, alternate

Auditor: Ólafur Heiðar Helgason


Second Board, October 15, 2015 - April 26, 2016:

Bjartmar Oddur Þeyr Alexandersson, chairman

Erla Guðný Helgadóttir

Pétur Halldórsson

Anna Ragnarsdóttir Pedersen

Þorgerður María Þorbjarnardóttir

Hrefna Rós Helgadóttir

Sólrún Ösp Jóhannsdóttir

Members at the end of the year: 451

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Board of Young Environmentalists 2014-2015. Left: Þorgerður M. Þorbjarnardóttir, Lilja Björg Jökulsdóttir, Ingvar Þór Björnsson, Bjartmar Oddur Þeyr Alexandersson, Rakel G. Brandt, Páll Zophonias Pálsson and Erla Guðný Helgadóttir.


The company's main activities this year were high school presentations, but a total of 14 high schools were visited out of the 30 that were in the country, of which 13 in the countryside and one in the capital area. The company's issue committees were also active, mainly the sewage and waste committee, the Central Highlands Committee and the Marine Committee.


Board of Directors appointed:

Bjartmar Oddur Þeyr Alexandersson, chairman

Pétur Halldórsson

Anna Ragnarsdóttir Pedersen

Ísak Már Jóhannesson

Arnór Kristmundsson

Auditor: Lilja Steinunn Jónsdóttir


Members at the end of the year: 570

Photo missing from the board 2016-2017


The company's operations increased significantly during this operating year. There was a large increase in school presentations, committee work and the making of comments on various environmental issues. International co-operation became prominent, such as the preparation of an international network of young people in environmental and social issues in the Arctic, and the image of the association seemed very positive.

Following a member's proposal at the Annual General Meeting, the company's board adopted the arrangement of submitting a work plan (implementation plan) for the operating year. It defined goals for the operating year as well as the implementation of roles and responsibilities of the board. There were also rules of procedure for the company's affairs and regional committees, as well as a summary of the committee chairmen and co-managers at a given time.


Board of Directors appointed:

Pétur Halldórsson, chairman

Erla Guðný Helgadóttir, Vice Chairman

Ástrós Jensdóttir, entertainment and event manager

Guðmundur Gíslason, secretary

Starri Reynisson, treasurer

Anna Ragnarsdóttir Pedersen, alternate

Brynja Sóley Plaggenborg, alternate

Auditor: Ísak Már Jóhannesson


Members at the end of the year: 670

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Board of Young Environmentalists 2017-2018. Upper row left: Ísak Már Jóhannesson, Anna Ragnarsdóttir Pedersen, Starri Reynisson, Ástrós Jensdóttir, Guðmundur Gíslason. Bottom row from left: Brynja Sóley Plaggenborg, Erla Guðný Helgadóttir, Pétur Halldórsson. 


Upper secondary school presentations continued to be a key part of the work and the association's international work increased significantly, among other things by organizing a panel at the United Nations Climate Conference in the name of the Arctic Youth Network (AYN). The association also took an active part in organizing the climate strike in Iceland and strengthened ties with other youth associations. The company also became more prominent in the media.
The first pilot course in advocacy for sustainable development began during the year and the company continued to send in comments and remarks regarding the various organizational and policy issues of the government.


Board of Directors appointed:

Pétur Halldórsson, chairman

Helga Númadóttir, Vice Chairman

Sigurður Loftur Thorlacius, secretary

Starri Reynisson, Treasurer (April 14 - November 7)

Íris Ragnarsdóttir Pedersen, Treasurer (November 8 - April 14)

Tinna Hallgrímsdóttir, event and entertainment director

Rafn Helgason, alternate (international representative)

Erla Guðný Helgadóttir, alternate

Auditor: Guðmundur Gíslason


Members at the end of the year: 936

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Board of Young Environmentalists 2018-2019. Left: Rafn Helgason, Sigurður Loftur Thorlacius, Helga Númadóttir, Erla Guðný Helgadóttir, Pétur Halldórsson and Starri Reynisson. Missing from the picture are Tinna Hallgrímsdóttir and Íris Ragnarsdóttir Pedersen.


The association organized and participated in various events, in addition to continuing with presentations in high schools. As with other areas of the community, the COVID-19 epidemic affected the company's operations, particularly in the form of postponing upper secondary school presentations and events, including the 2020 Annual General Meeting. 

The company's visibility in the media increased significantly from previous years, partly due to the climate strike.

The company's first regional committee was formally established: Young Environmentalists in the South. Work in the company's issues committees continued to strengthen, for example through the preparation of the Climate Committee for correspondence with the Norwegian government regarding plans for oil production in the Arctic. To further strengthen the issue, the association prepared a Handbook on advocacy for the environment, which was published in Icelandic at the Annual General Meeting on 22 June 2020 and in English in July 2020.


Board of Directors appointed:

Pétur Halldórsson, chairman

Tinna Hallgrímsdóttir, Vice Chairman

Sigurður Loftur Thorlacius, secretary

Þorgerður María Þorbjarnardóttir, treasurer

Iris Dager, International Representative

Kristborg Sóley Þráinsdóttir, alternate, event and education manager

Rafn Helgason, alternate, social media representative (April 15 - September 18)

Hrafnhildur Vala Friðriksdóttir, alternate, social media representative (September 19 - June 21)

Auditor: Erla Diljá Sæmundsdóttir

Members at the end of the year: 1,077

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Board of Young Environmentalists 2019-2020. From left to right: Rafn, Sigurður, Kristborg Sóley Þráinsdóttir, Pétur, Tinna and Þorgerður. Iris Dager is missing from the picture.


The company grew and prospered despite the obstacles posed by the Covid-19 epidemic and continued to restrain politics and educate the public on environmental issues. The Climate Strike's campaign, Actions Immediately !, attracted special attention with two videos and performances at Austurvellir. 

On October 25, 2020, a new website was launched, with Kamilla Henriau in charge of web design and Elías Arnar in charge of photographs. By the end of the year, 1657 people had visited the website from around the world or from 29 countries.


Board of Directors appointed:

Þorgerður María Þorbjarnardóttir, chairman

Tinna Hallgrímsdóttir, Vice Chairman

Egill Hermannsson, treasurer

Rebekka Karlsdóttir, secretary

Ida Karólína Harris, co-manager



Vífill Harðarson, international representative

Jökull Jónsson, co-manager

Auditor: Zoë Vala Sands

Members at the end of the year: 1,163

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Board of Young Environmentalists 2020-2021. From left to right: Ida Karolina Harris, Jökull Jónsson, Tinna, Þorgerður, Egil Hermannsson, Vífill Harðarson and Zoë Vala Sands. Rebekka Karlsdóttir is missing from the picture.


What has stood out during the operating year is the ambition and manpower. The board works well together and the activity of companies increased through four new committees and co-managers within them. In addition, the company hired nine employees temporarily. Four major projects have colored the year so far; Sólin - Young Environmentalists' ratings for the Althingi elections, Climate Change Information Meetings, Young Environmentalists' National Meetings 2021-22 and Young Environmentalists' participation in COP26. 

There was a large increase in the Young Environmentalists' media coverage and the association's participation in the various events. School presentations resumed but to a lesser extent than before. A lot of capital went in and out of the company, most of it was earmarked for certain projects. A grant option was set up on the company's website and a grant will be applied for for the managing director.


Board of Directors appointed:

Tinna Hallgrímsdóttir, chairman

Egill Ö. Hermannsson, Vice Chairman
Sigrún Perla Gísladóttir, treasurer
Rafn Helgason, secretary

Alma Stefánsdóttir, Cyclical Economics Representative
Finds Ricart Andrason, Climate Representative
Sæunn Júlía Sigurjónsdóttir, nature conservation representative
Unnur Björnsdóttir, presentation and educational representative

Other officials were:
Confidential representatives: Sigríður Guðjónsdóttir and Snæbjörn Jack
Auditor: Þorgerður María Þorbjarnardóttir

Members at the end of the year: x

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Board of Young Environmentalists 2021-2022. Left: Egil, Tinna, Unnur Björnsdóttir, Alma Stefánsdóttir, Sigrún Perla Gísladóttir, Sæunn Júlía Sigurjónsdóttir, Finnur Ricard Andrason and Rafn.


Starfsárið einkenndist af dugnaði og mikilli virkni félaga. Mörg útistandandi verkefni voru kláruð, og ber þar hæst lok stefnumótunarferlisins. Ný stefna félagsins var afrakstur fjögurra landsfunda, einn fyrir hverja málefnanefnd, sem UU hélt víðsvegar um landið. Á starfsárinu voru síðustu tveir landsfundirnir haldnir, á sviði hringrásarhagkerfis og loftslagsmála. Einnig stóðu UU, ásamt öðrum aðildarfélögum Loftslagsverkfallsins, fyrir Loftslagsfestivalinu á Menningarnótt í fyrsta skipti, en stefnt er að því að gera þennan viðburð að árlegum viðburði. Félagið sendi svo tvo fulltrúa á Loftslagsráðstefnu Sþ. COP27 í Egyptalandi og tvo fulltrúa á COP15 í Montréal, og tóku ýmsir félagar þátt í fjölda stýrihópa, nefnda og viðburða. Einnig fór fram öflugt starf innan nefndanna við fræðslu, viðburðahald, greinaskrif og hagsmunagæslu og voru ófáar umsagnirnar skrifaðar á starfsárinu.

Stjórn skipuðu:

Tinna Hallgrímsdóttir, forseti

Egill Ö. Hermannsson, varaforseti

Brynja Þorsteinsdóttir, ritari

Snjólaug Heimisdóttir, gjaldkeri

Steffi Meisl, kynningar- og fræðslufulltrúi

Finnur Ricart Andrason, loftslagsfulltrúi

Ástrós Eva Ársælsdóttir, náttúruverndarfulltrúi

Kolbrún Fríða Hrafnkelsdóttir, hringrásarhagkerfisfulltrúi

Aðrir embættismenn voru:

Trúnaðarfulltrúar: Sigrún Perla Gísladóttir & Rafn Helgason

Skoðunarmaður reikninga: Þorgerður María Þorbjarnardóttir

Tinna steig til hliðar sem forseti félagsins þann 31. mars og tók Egill við störfum hennar.


Félagar í lok starfsárs: 1.470

Stjórn Ungra umhverfissinna 2021-2022. Frá vinstri: (efri röð): Ástrós Eva Ársælsdóttir,
Kolbrún Fríða Hrafnkellsdóttir, Finnur Ricart Andrason, (neðri röð) Tinna Hallgrímsdóttir, Snjólaug Heimisdóttir, Steffi Meisl, Brynja Þorsteinsdóttir, Egill Ö. Hermannsson

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